A number of people have asked or wondered over the years about Bob George Ministries and the relationship with another ministry. We are sharing this information to help clarify a number of misconceptions that people may have in this regards.
Bob George founded Discipleship Counseling Services in 1977. He also founded People to People. Bob George’s name was synonymous with that of both Discipleship Counseling Services and People to People (Metro, real answers.net). For over 30 years, my father was known for his People to People and Discipleship Counseling ministries. He helped countless people all over the world throughout his years of ministry.
In 2009, Bob George suffered a stroke. Bob Christopher later started his Basic Gospel ministry. There has been NO relationship with Bob Christopher or their staff since the 2012 separation that was initiated by Bob Christopher.
Bob George has NOTHING to do with Basic Gospel. Even though Bob Christopher is “doing business as” People to People/Discipleship Counseling Services, my father, Bob George has had absolutely NO part whatsoever in anything Bob Christopher has done with People to People, Discipleship Counseling Services or Basic Gospel since the 2012 separation was initiated.
Even though I miss my father very much, it is joy to know that he is absent from the body and present with the Lord and that it is Bob George Ministries mission to continue to share God’s unconditional love, complete forgiveness and acceptance in Jesus Christ with people from all around the world through books, electronic media and radio airwaves. We thank you for your continued prayers and support to Bob George Ministries, as we are able to carry the banner of Jesus our Lord and Savior to a lost and hurting world that is in need of LIFE in Jesus Christ. This is what my father’s wishes were and still continues to do through this ministry, to share the message of grace through his many archived recordings and published books with people on a daily basis.
Debbie George Cannaday
Bob George Ministries

Bob George – On The Air

Bob George – People to People Radio Broadcast
People to People Ministries – Bob and Amy George – Presented by Harvest House