Living & Identity in Jesus

How Do I Deal With an Unloving Attitude?

Play How do I Deal With an Unloving Attitude?
Brian is concerned about his unloving thoughts toward some people. That’s what happens when we relate to others in the energy of the flesh. Only Jesus can produce love through us as we abide in Him. All of us have unloving thoughts – we don’t have to act on them.


How Can I Break Free of Fornication?

Play How Can I Break Free of Fornication?
Julie is a believer who has made bad choices, She has not had a job in many years and is supported by living in adultery. This is sin in God’s eyes even though He forgave her on the cross. Julie must change her lifestyle or she will never experience God’s peace and joy.


How Do I parent an 18 Year Old Involved in Pornography?

Play How Do I parent an 18 Year Old Involved in Pornography?
Donna’s 18-year-old son is a freshman in college and has shown an interest in pornography and other unhealthy practices. This rebellion is typical of many college students. Donna and her son are both Christians. Because of his age, Donna is advised not to “parent” him, but to talk to him as a concerned friend.


How Can I Break Free of Self-Condemnation?

Play How Can I Break Free of Self-Condemnation?
Larry wonders if God loves and accepts him. He feels like God is angry with him because he doesn’t do enough. Larry is saved and knows the truth about God but is letting error guide his thinking. Many people, like Larry, let “stinkin thinkin” keep them from living in the truth.


How Can I learn to Love Others?

Play How Can I learn to Love Others?
Mike wonders if a person can se1l his soul to the devil for monetary gain. The soul of a lost person already belongs to Satan. A saved person cannot do this, and wouldn’t even want to. Romans 8:35-39 tells us that “Nothing can separate us from the love of God.”


Facing a Defiant Granddaughter Who’s Proclaimed: “I’m gay!”

Play Facing a Defiant Granddaughter Who's Proclaimed: I'm gay!
Patsy’s granddaughter is a homosexual. The Bible says that homosexuals have exchanged the truth for a lie and that God gives them over to their depraved minds. Both Christians and non-Christians know the homosexual’s choice is wrong. There should be love for the person, but hatred for the offensive lifestyle.


Can Our Bad Habits Hinder God?

Play Can Our Bad Habits Hinder God?
Francisco’s close friend was delivered from a very sinful lifestyle when he trusted Jesus as his Savior. However, he still has not stopped smoking. Because of this habit, he says he is unable to pray or read his Bible. Evidently, he does not understand the love of God and is functioning under law and not under grace.


Is the Prodigal Son an Example of In and Out of Fellowship?

Play Is the Prodigal Son an Example of In and Out of Fellowship?
Dale wonders if the Prodigal Son is an example of a saved person being in and out of fellowship. No, in this parable, the young man, who leaves home to do his own thing, is an example of a person who is lost. When the son returns home, his father exclaims, “My son who was lost has been found.”


How Do I Explain Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Prison?

Play How Do I Explain Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Prison?
John ministers in prisons where inmates are especially concerned with the issues of forgiveness and reconciliation. He now understands these issues himself and will be able to explain to others why the instruction for carrying them out in the New Covenant is different from the Old.


How Do I Deal With the Drag of Performing for God?

Play How Do I Deal With the Drag of Performing for God?
Dennis was saved when he was 30, and for a while had much joy in his salvation. Then he fell into the drag of legalism and performing for God, and lost the joy. He finally realized he was being taught error and returned to the truth, which he said really does set you free!


How Can I Get Rid of Bitterness?

Play How Can I Get Rid of Bitterness?
Sandra has a problem with recurring bitterness. Satan works through her flesh to keep bringing up this issue of bitterness. Sandra is a born-again believer and must get back in the Spirit. God has already forgiven that person, and she must not listen to Satan, but let the issue go.


How Do I Deal With Memories of Past Sin?

Play How Do I Deal With Memories of Past Sin?
Before Tom became a Christian, he had relationships that included sexual sin. He stepped away from this behavior when he became a child of God, but Satan still brings back these sinful thoughts. He must reject the memories and replace them with the truth.


How Can I Stop Drinking and End My Anger?

Play How Can I Stop Drinking and End My Anger?
Steve is an alcoholic. He belongs to a church group, but when he backslides, he loses contact with fellow Christians. Steve is troubled by a lot of anger. He now understands that anger is a by-product of fear, and the only sure solution is the perfect love of God in Christ Jesus. Perfect love casts away all fear.


A Bible College Student Approaches Exhaustion

Play A Bible College Student Approaches Exhaustion
Bobby is a Bible college student. He is learning many sound theological facts, but his spiritual walk is suffering from burn-out. He feels like he is on a roller coaster. Could the problem be legalism and relying on professors and textbooks to teach him instead of the Holy Spirit?


How to Counsel Someone Considering an Abortion?

Play How to Counsel Someone Considering an Abortion?
Lynn is a Christian college student who is pregnant. She wants to know if abortion is a sin and is told that it is a form of murder. Lynn is advised not to compound her sin of fornication with the sin of abortion. Even though Jesus died for every sin that Lynn will ever commit, she would be taking a life God wanted to live.

The New Covenant Message

Bob has often said, “If I had only one message to give, it would be the message of the New Covenant.”

Grace of God – Bob’s last broadcast
Click to listen to the Grace of God – Bob’s last broadcast:

      Grace of God
Minutes after this program’s closing music Bob suffered a stroke and has not been on the air since. In this last broadcast he answered questions from Aneurin, Steve, Ricky and D.C. about James 2:14, about how the grace of God teaches us to say ‘no’ to unrighteousness, what we must do to be saved according to Acts and if suicide negates salvation.

Take a Closer Look at the New Covenant today.

Click for more teaching publications for sale, Bible studies, and in-depth MP3 Classic Christianity teaching series for download.

If you would like to contact Bob George Ministries, please use the online contact form. Thank you.

Practical Theology

Do You Believe in the Trinity?

Play Do You Believe in the Trinity?
Danny questions if God is a Trinity. He learns that through the Scriptures, God is declared as three different persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The plurality of God is evident all through the Old Testament, but not explained. Jesus made the plurality of God clear in the New Testament.


What Does it Mean to Suffer with Christ?

Play What Does it Mean to Suffer with Christ?
John wants to know what it means to “share the sufferings of Christ.” All of us will go through various types of suffering during our lifetimes on earth. We are not to go out looking for suffering. When it comes, we are told to go through it by faith, trusting in Christ Jesus.


How Can I Know Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt, I am in Christ?

Play How Can I Know Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt I am in Christ?
Randy asks how he can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is in Christ Jesus. Randy must agree with God regarding these issues: He must believe what God says about him and his sin. And he must trust in Christ Jesus alone and His finished work on the cross.


Why are People Teaching Me to Keep the Law?

Play Why are People Teaching Me to Keep the Law?
Larry is confused because some church leaders still teach that we must observe the law. The law was given to the Jews, under the Old Covenant. No one has ever been able to keep it. Then what is the purpose of the law? According to Romans 3:20, “Through the law we become conscious of sin.”


Did the Early Church Receive the Spirit Before or After Faith?

Play Did the Early Church Receive the Spirit Before or After Faith?
Larry wants to know if the early church received the Spirit before or after faith. He was guided to Acts 18: 24-26. The Spirit of God has always come to indwell us at the time of spiritual birth. He places us into the body of Christ, making us alive in Christ. Some may believe that Jesus is the Christ but may not be born-again of the Spirit.


What Did Jesus Mean by Saying, “Pick Up Your Cross Daily?”

Play What Did Jesus Mean by Saying Pick Up Your Cross Daily?
A new believer wonders what Jesus meant when He said, “Pick up your cross daily…” He meant that no relationship with family or friends is as important as our relationship with Him. Many will reject you and your faith in Jesus, but keep on proclaiming Him.


Can Someone Who’s Never Heard the Gospel be Saved?

Play Can Someone Who's Never Heard the Gospel be Saved?
Sam, a Muslim, who is now a believer in Christ, wonders if someone who has never heard the Gospel can be saved. Everyone is born into this world dead spiritually. But, any person who sincerely seeks God will be introduced in some way to His Son Jesus Christ.


Why is Love Greater Than Faith and Hope?

Play Why is Love Greater Than Faith and Hope?
Jim wants to know why love is greater than faith and hope. Perfect love comes from God; faith and hope come from us. God is the initiator; we are the responders. The only faith that counts is faith that expresses itself through love. And that love is the initiator’s love in and through us.


How Should We View Melchizedek?

Play How Should We View Melchizedek?
Laurie is curious about Melchizedek. The Jews thought no one was superior to Abraham. The fact that Melchizedek blessed Abraham showed that someone was greater. When God Himself declared Christ a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek, this showed the superiority of Christ.


What is the Five-Fold Ministry?

Play What is the Five-Fold Ministry?
Cletus has been hearing about the “five-fold ministry.” Many have served the body of Christ, equipping the saints for their work of ministry. Apostles and prophets were only in the early church. Today, there are still pastors, teachers and others serving the body. Every service not done in love is worthless.


How Do I Share the Gospel with Friends?

Play How Do I Share the Gospel with Friends?
Paul wants to know how to share the Gospel with friends. Don’t depend on actions alone. It’s the Word of God that saves people. People with hurts can only be truly comforted by Christ Jesus. First find out where they are in their relationship with Christ. Encourage them to see their true spiritual condition.


Speculation and Bible Prophecy

Play Speculation and Bible Prophecy
Ricky has questions, as most of us do, about the end times, We like to think about these mysteries, but our understanding is mostly speculation. Jesus wants us to concentrate on the present, trusting Him one day at a time. We must latch on to what we know is true. It is the truth that sets us free.


Are Prophets and Apostles Legitimate Titles for Today?

Play Are Prophets and Apostles Legitimate Titles for Today?
Andrew wonders if apostles and prophets are still present today. Apostles lived only during the lifetime of Jesus. They were present for His death, burial and resurrection. Prophets also lived only before the Scriptures were written. They communicated verbally whatever God wanted people to know.

Tithing – Is it For Today?

Play The Topic of Tithing
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Why don’t we emphasize tithing?
The topic of tithing has gotten very much attention from our listeners since it is often emphasized by churches across America. What is surprising, however, is the fact that the New Testament never requires us to give a tenth of our income as an offering to the Lord. You can look back for yourself. It just isn’t there. If tithing is so important why isn’t it mentioned several times in the New Testament?

Why is tithing not commanded in the New Testament?
The word “tithe” refers to a tenth of produce and livestock prescribed by the Old Covenant as the duty of every Hebrew to pay in order to support the Levite priesthood who were not permitted to earn wages; to pay for maintenance of the temple; and to provide sacrifices in worship. All these needs have been done away with under the New Covenant initiated by Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. All believers are priests because we are children of God by faith in Jesus Christ. Each believer is now the temple of God since God gives us the Holy Spirit to indwell us at the moment of regeneration. There is no need to make sacrifices to cover our sin because through Christ’s one sacrifice of Himself all of our sins (past, present and future) are forgiven. Since the national system of worship in Israel is obsolete, the role of the tithe is ended. That is why the Bible does not require believers under the New Covenant to tithe. It’s just not there. (Eph. 3:12; I Cor. 6:19; Heb. 10:14)

What about the example of Abraham?
The only other time “tithe” is referred to is the incident where Abraham paid a tenth of his goods to Melchizedek. However that was a one time gift Abraham gave of his own free will as a public act of thanksgiving for a military victory, not as an act of obedience to a command of God. Furthermore, the fact that something was practiced before the Law does not make it a permanent command of God. If we use Abraham as an example for tithing then we need to follow him in other areas as well, such as circumcision and animal sacrifice. It’s funny that those last two areas are rarely mentioned along with tithing. (Gen. 14, 15 & 16) The real point of this incident as quoted in the New Testament is to show the supremacy of our priesthood in Christ represented by Melchizedek over the priesthood of Levi, a descendent of Abraham. (Hebrews 7:1-10)

If we don’t have to tithe, why give at all?
In other words, what is God’s pattern for giving under the New Covenant? The pattern is Jesus Christ Himself (2 Cor. 8:9). He walked as a living sacrifice in total dependency on the Father (Phil. 2:5-8). What are we to do? The very same thing (2 Cor. 8:5; Romans 12:1-2). So then our giving of money is to be a natural overflow of God’s love in service to others as we are controlled by His Spirit. Can that be 10% of everything we make? Certainly, and perhaps more or less as God works in our hearts individually. That is the freedom we have in Christ. For your own study read 2 Corinthians 8 and 9.

2 Corinthians 9:8
“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give,
not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Bob George Quotes

Memorable Quotes from Bob George

“I experienced the greatest miracle anyone could ever witness. I found the deepest need of my heart satisfied by the Lord Jesus Christ. God took a man with an empty heart and He filled it with Himself.”

“Quite frankly, it’s a line that is split right down the middle of humanity as to whether we’re going to listen to Truth that comes from Jesus or whether we’re going to listen to error that comes from the world.”

“No one came out of their mother’s womb saying “Praise, Jesus”. We were born dead spiritually and that’s the problem of mankind, spiritual death.”

“I was thinking today, the world is spelled W-O-R-L-D and the Word is spelled W-O-R-D. The only difference is the “L”. You know what the “L” stands for? Lies. The lies of the world in comparison to the Truth of God.”

“He entered into my death with me so that I could enter into His resurrection with Him. He died for me then so that He can live in me now.”

“The finality of the cross is the key that unlocks the grace of God.”

“Trying to live the Christian life is like trying to crack a stone with a wet noodle….you can’t do it.”

“Many people come TO the cross but never go THROUGH the cross to the empty tomb to find the living Christ.”

“The cross cleared the deck for the divine action of the resurrection, raising you and me from the dead.”

“Some might have an enlightened mind, but an unregenerate spirit. People are often ‘professors’ of Christ but are not ‘possessors’ of Christ.”

“Do you follow Christ or are you led by His Spirit? They are two different things.”

“The most exciting thing about the Christian life is TODAY! Christ in you, your hope of glory.”

“The Law keeps your mind on what YOU are doing. Grace keeps your mind on Him and what He is doing.”

“Many Christians live a Dracula Christianity – dead today, alive tomorrow, dead today, alive tomorrow. They have no hope and don’t know they already HAVE eternal life.”

“Jesus gave His life FOR us; so He could give His life TO us; so that He could live His life THROUGH us.”

“Forgiven isn’t something we get – it’s something we are.”

“Religion makes you mean as a hornet.”

“Light shines brightest in darkness. As light dispels darkness, truth dispels error.”

“Truth sets you free. Error binds you.”

“Atonement covered sin. Christ took away sin!”

“Adam was created alive spiritually with the option to choose death. We are born dead spiritually with the option to choose life.”

“A person (natural man) cannot receive Christ’s provision until he understands his condition.”

“He died for us then so He could live in us now.”

“Jesus laid down His life for us, so He could give His life to us, so He could live His life through us.”

“1 John 1:9 has been used as a Christian bar of soap.”

“You’re not saved by your denominational affiliation.”

“Jesus proclaimed the New, but taught under the Old (Covenant).”

“Jesus Christ ‘died for my sins’ is the half-gospel. Jesus ‘died for my sins and rose to give me life’ is the Full Gospel.”

“When Christ died for your sins 2000 years ago, how many of them were in the future? ALL OF THEM.”

“The bible is uniquely a book written for the purpose of getting to know the author.”

“The reason church benches are called pews…is because so many ‘dead’ people sit there.”

“We’re not saved by the death of Christ…but by the LIFE of Christ.”

“The Moral Majority is neither.”

“The Church isn’t the building on the corner of ‘WALK’ and ‘DON’T WALK.'”

“Circumstances don’t cause your nature, they reveal your nature.”

“Your emotions predictably respond to what your mind is thinking.”

“Without Christ’s Life, you are a forgiven corpse. And a corpse stinketh.”

“Peter was a Compassionate Compromiser. Paul was a Terrifying Truth-Teller.”

“(People say Christianity is a crutch) Christ isn’t a crutch. He’s my legs!”

“We can’t isolate our kids from the world. We insulate them with Truth.”

“What we depend upon controls us.”

“You don’t become a Christian by sitting in a Church anymore than you become a Chicken by sitting in a Hen house.”

“Any lost person can do what we call Worship. We raise up our hands, but should be clutching our chest (because He lives in us).”

“The goal of the Christian Life is not to stop sinning…but to start loving.”

“There is no sin that you or I are incapable of committing, given the right set (mix, combination) of circumstances.”

“God doesn’t grade on the curve, where a lie gets a 2, stealing gets a 6, or adultery gets a 9.”

“We tend to judge those who commit the kind of sins that we don’t.”

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Calls by Subject

Dear Friends,

For more than twenty years we’ve been answering questions live on the People to People radio broadcast. We’ve put together our best calls from 2005 that represent the most asked questions including many important issues critical for living the Christ-filled life.

Please use this resource as a study aid as you grow in your understanding of the grace of God and to reach out to others in their time of need. To begin listening, choose from the sub-categories below.

Your friend,


Teaching :: Classic Biblical Teaching Series

With the success of the radio broadcast, it soon became evident that there was a need for a local Dallas outreach. Beginning with a Tuesday night bible study and eventually the formation of Metro Bible Fellowship, Bob brought his insight and passion for the New Covenant to these groups. Enjoy listening to these classic Biblical teaching series on your computer, tablet and phone, presented in Bob’s signature style.

You may also purchase these same Biblical Studies above and download the audio files.


Thanks for replaying your radio show. I've only had about 5 years of listening before you went off the air. I'm learning so much from the show now. I missed all those years, but am catching up now. You're my digital pastor and I thank God for using you to get to me. Hope you're enjoying retirement, because of all your work in the Lord. I'm a witness that truth will set you free. I'm free of depression and have learned so much from you Bob. I love you forever for letting God use you and so grateful that I am able to hear you then and now. Hope all is well and thanks again.

Antoine Andrews    Carson, CA   

No one puts Jesus Christ first like you do. Your focus on Christ is the truth that set me free. Thank you for making Bob's audios available. I truly hope ALL his work will be made ready for purchase. Thanks again, Holly.

Holly Riley    San Dimas California   


I have said this before, but God has used you both in my life and my husband's life.
When I was a little child I would read the Bible and spend time with God.
As I got older, I started hearing things contrary to what Jesus had been telling me in His Word - law and grace wise.
I thought, well, since they are older and I'm a child, I must be wrong and not understanding what I have been reading!

Then in 1992 me and my husband found People to People on the radio. When I first heard Bob/People to People, in my heart I knew it was truth, because all the things Jesus had told me as a child in His Word all lined up with what I was hearing on the radio! I also always appreciated how Bob would say - "Don't believe anything I say, I could be lying out my teeth - check out what I'm saying with the Word of God!"

Bob and Amy, you both will always have a special place in my heart. I thank my God upon remembrance of you and thank you for making yourselves available for God to use and to point others to Him... Like Bob said he heard Amy say on the phone one day - "we are just sheep dogs herding people to the Shepherd"!

Love, Joy/Lee

Joy/Lee    Orlando, Florida   

Thank you for "Jesus Changes Everything."

Doug and I are switching back and forth reading this book and enjoying it as we have all of your books. We own and have read every book, CD series and many, many tapes from before CDs that you wrote or put out and we can honestly say if it had not been for your teaching, we would probably still be wondering in the desert.

Thank for all your years of true ministry to the Body of Christ and thanks again for another wonderful book teaching the truths that the Church needs to hear.

May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ keep you with us for many more years of great ministry to all of us.

Lucy Fletcher    SanDiego, CA   

Hello Bob and Amy,

Bob, your teachings (never wavering from the truth of it being all Jesus, the New Covenant, and complete forgiveness in Him) were instrumental in my Christian walk through all of these years to focus on Jesus. I have all of your books, bible studies (A Closer Look... series), and have listened to the radio broadcasts and Sunday sermons extensively. I spent hours listening and re-listening in the car to all of these tapes and learning through the Holy Spirit's guidance what life in Christ was really about. Your voice has keep me company on many of those long commutes and trips back and forth around the Bay Area.

Also, I wanted to point out that Amy's book "Goodbye Is Not Forever" was such a story of hope to me. It was very special not just for the story, but for bringing into account what was going on in Russia and the surrounding area at that time of history. My grandparents from both sides of the family emigrated to the USA from the Ukraine in the latter part of the 19'th century because they could see the writing on the wall.

Thank you once again for allowing God to use you both over the years, to teach God's truth, in such a way that a child could understand it. I have been blessed and I know so many others have been blessed by you. You have always pointed to Jesus as the answer.

Jim W.    San Ramon, CA    Website   

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