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Jesus Changes Everything
It’s Time to Embrace God’s Unconditional Love
Bob George, bestselling author of Classic Christianity, shows readers how grace changes everything because of one often-ignored foundation of the faith—the New Covenant.
Many Christians feel anything but new. They are told salvation is a free gift, but trying to live up to what they think God demands seems like anything but a gift. Feel free? They don’t. Bob explains how this results from basing Christianity in the Old Testament—making the faith a law-based religion.
But the New Covenant, God has put in place through Christ’s death, changes everything. Readers will see the joyful truth that,
- effort, guilt, and fear from living under law give way to rest and peace from realizing their relationship with God doesn’t depend on their performance;
- motivation by punishment is replaced by inner motivation through God’s complete acceptance;
- and the experience of distance from God gives way to the experience of His unconditional love.
Purchase: Jesus Changes Everything: It’s Time to Embrace God’s Unconditional Love
Classic Christianity
Life’s Too Short to Miss the Real Thing
The breakthrough book that has helped over half a million Christians worldwide since 1989!
Classic Christianity—Bob George’s eye-opening distillation of the life-transforming truths of the gospel—now has a fresh cover and interior that reflect the up-to-the-minute relevance of its message.
Like so many Christians, Bob George started out in love with Jesus, only to end up feeling disappointed and empty. Drawing on his struggles and his teaching and counseling experience, Bob cuts to the heart of believers’ common questions…
- Doesn’t God expect me to clean up my act before I approach Him?
- I know God loves me—but does He accept me?
- I’m saved and forgiven… do I just wait for heaven now?
In Classic Christianity, believers will see the way back to the life Jesus provided—a life set free from the law’s bondage, lived in the newness of the Spirit, and secure in the Father’s affection. Find out more at
Purchase: Classic Christianity: Life’s Too Short to Miss the Real Thing
Classic Christianity Study Guide
Life’s Too Short to Miss the Real Thing
More than half a million tired, frustrated Christians have rediscovered the life-transforming truths of the gospel in Classic Christianity. In this practical study guide to the book, they’ll find more step-by-step help for becoming grounded in the Father’s liberating love.
After briefly reviewing a section of Classic Christianity, author and Bible teacher Bob George provides Scriptures, questions, and insightful examples to help readers fully understand and grow in their identities in Christ. Used with the book or as a stand-alone study, this resource encourages believers and seekers to discover the true Source of life and freedom—Jesus Christ.
Fill-in space is provided for readers to use as they work through this volume. Together with Classic Christianity, this study guide provides a great curriculum for small groups or Sunday-school classes. Find out more at
Purchase: Classic Christianity Study Guide: Life’s Too Short to Miss the Real Thing
Growing in Grace with Study Guide
If your only experience of God’s grace is salvation, you’re missing half the good news. The other half is equally inspiring—Jesus wants you to experience His grace every day as He lives his life through you!
Discover vibrant, life-embracing faith through the simple and timeless truth of God’s grace. As people who have been saved by grace and set free by grace, our next step is to grow in grace. As we grow, we rejoice in the scriptural promises that enable us to give up guilt and anxiety, let go of legalism, and rediscover the joyous reality of Christ living His life through us!
The helpful study guide is perfect for small groups and all who desire to learn even more about the freeing life that is ours as followers of Jesus Christ.
Purchase: Growing in Grace : With Study Guide
Victory over Depression
A new cover and study section invites readers to experience victory over anger, disappointment, and depression! Bob reveals how Christ can break the power of unmet needs, unhealed hurts, and hopelessness in our lives.
Readers explore principles that help them:
- Recognize unrealistic expectations.
- Deal with the causes of depression.
- Put their hope and trust in God.
Victory over Depression encourages readers by sharing examples of people who have been set free through the infinite love of God. Excellent for individual or group study.
Purchase: Victory Over Depression: How to live above your circumstances
Complete in Christ
Why do so many people experience disappointment and failure in their lives? Why do so many men and women struggle with a sense of low self-esteem? Could it be they’re unsure of how to obtain true fulfillment in life?
God never meant to offer us a self-improvement course. Instead, He offers us an entirely new identity. Not only will He forgive your sins, but He will give you a new life in exchange for the life you have been trying to live in your own strength.
In Complete in Christ, Bob George, author of the bestseller Classic Christianity, explores this exchanged life and provides clear meaning for often-misunderstood truths—fundamental truths that ensure abundant, fulfilled living.
Begin to focus not on your own failures and inadequacies but on His view of you—that you are fully loved and accepted in Christ. Receive God’s invitation to exchange your old identity for the joy of being Complete in Christ!
Purchase: Complete in Christ: Discovering God’s View of You
Faith That Pleases God
You Don’t Need to Strive for What You Already Have
You began your new life in Christ with joy and peace. Then your attempts to please God and grow as a Christian brought bewilderment, frustration, and defeat. You know there’s a better way, but where can you find it? In Faith That Pleases God, Bob George offers a practical look at true, biblical faith — the kind of faith that produces the joy God offers to every believer. It’s all here — in Faith That Pleases God.
From the author of Classic Christianity, comes a dynamic book to help readers strengthen their faith.
Every Christian desires to please God, but how is that done? Faith That Pleases God helps readers discover that a proper understanding of faith is essential and includes—
- recognizing the differences between faith, belief, and trust
- seeing the kind of faith that pleases God
- realizing faith’s role in the work God is doing
- learning how to “rest in faith”
By understanding faith, readers will know what pleases God. This, in turn, results in a more serene Christian life that draws upon God’s wisdom and power for every need.
Purchase: Faith That Pleases God: You Don’t Need to Strive for What You Already Have