Classic Teaching from Bob George

Classic Teaching from Bob George

Listen Online to Classic Christianity Radio

Click Here to Listen to Daily Radio Programs

Listen to Classic Christianity radio with Bob George daily from our website. Join Bob George as he offers practical biblical insights as he helps people experience faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ.

New Covenant

Order The New Covenant Today

Click Here for Store Purchases

Born Free Slide Show
Born Free – Slide Show Above – View Forward Button >

Pick up your own Born Free Witnessing booklets. The Born Free witnessing booklets are sold in packs of 25. Born Free is an excellent tool for sharing the truth about salvation with your family and friends. This 17-page booklet explains in detail the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and what is necessary to accept Jesus as Savior. It’s perfect for leading someone step-by-step into a saving relationship with Christ.

Purchase packets of Born Free today.


Dallas Christian Radio KAAM 770-AM Announcement

Dallas Christian Radio KAAM 770-AM

Bob George Ministries is excited to announce the expansion of Classic Christianity Radio to the Dallas area! Listen weekday mornings at 10:30 AM – CT on KAAM 770-AM. We would like to extend a special thanks to Crawford Broadcasting for giving us this wonderful opportunity! Please pray along with us as we ask the Lord to bless this program and bring many people to Christ through the radio broadcasts.

Welcome – Feel Free to Browse, Listen and Learn about Jesus!

Click Here for Store Purchases

Radio Announcement for Colorado Area:

  • Bob George Ministries Presents
  • Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George
  • Listen on KLTT AM 670 Radio: Denver, Colorado
  • Weekdays at 11:00 am Mountain Time

Coverage – KLTT 670 AM, Denver, is a 50,000-watt radio station with one of the largest coverage areas (32,000 square miles) of any station in the nation! KLTT reaches a five state region, including most of Colorado, and well over 5-million people.


We at Bob George Ministries are so thankful to God for each of you for your prayers and support of the ministry. Because of your prayers and support it has made this possible to be on the radio air waves in Colorado. We look forward to being able to be on more radio stations in the future.

Join Bob George Ministries and listen in:

  • Listen online with your computer at: – Weekdays at 11:00 AM Mountain Time

Other ways to listen:

Download the free “TuneIn Radio” app for your smart phone, Android phone, iPhone, iPad and tablets. Download TuneIn Radio and add KLTT Radio to your list of favorites.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”

Grace and peace be with you in Jesus,

Bob and Amy George, Debbie George Cannaday and Jim Warholic

Bob George Ministries
5729 Lebanon RD   STE 144247
Frisco, Texas 75034

Websites: and

My father went to be with the Lord June 1st, 2018. Our family misses him but we know that we will see him again. Please keep our family in your prayers. Dad loved Jesus and was one of the first people to ever teach the message of grace. Dad had a heart for people who struggled and needed to know that there is hope in Jesus. He helped so many people to have a deeper understanding of God’s unconditional love and complete acceptance..
– Debbie George Cannaday

Celebrate the life of Robert Franklyn George, leave a kind word or memory.
Or use this short link:

Purchase teaching materials at:
Purchase MP3 audio files at:

Goodbye Is Not Forever by Amy George

New CDs and MP3 CDs Available for Purchase

We now have a number of Bob George teaching on audio CDs available for purchase from the Bob George Ministries eCommerce store.

  • Experiencing the Forgiveness of God – Taking the double talk out of a single event.
  • The Heart of the Gospel
  • The New Covenant – Entering God’s Rest
  • Law and Grace
  • How to Have a Proper Self-Image
  • Our Eternal Inheritance
  • Marriage a Matter of Identification
  • Victory Over Depression
  • The Gospel of John (40 lessons MP3 discs – Info on MP3 Players)

Born Free (25 Pack)

Born FreeSold in packs of 25, Born Free is an excellent tool for sharing the truth about salvation with your family and friends. This 17-page booklet explains in detail the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and what is necessary to accept Jesus as Savior. It’s perfect for leading someone step-by-step into a saving relationship with Christ.

Purchase: Born Free (10 Packs) – Now Available!
Purchase: Bible Study Books – A Closer Look Series – Now Available!

All eight of the Closer Look Series of Studies by Bob George have now been added for listening pleasure. A closer look at Your Identity in Christ was just added on 05/22/2013. These teaching series, presented by Bob George in his down-to-earth style, are classic truths of Jesus Christ, that are key to understanding the things of God. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you on your life’s journey with Him.

Experience Victory Over Depression Today – Click to Purchase

Bob George Ministries eCommerce store is now open for physical goods orders and listen to daily radio shows at

Remember, Jesus is the Message

The message that we are preaching is not about ourselves but about Jesus the Lord. Jesus is the reason and the message is Jesus.
[ref. ]

Bob George Ministries is now accepting tax-deductible donations.
With Three Ways of Donating: Check, PayPal, and Google Wallet

Miracle of a Lifetime

We invite you to listen to the last on-the-air radio message from Bob George.

Take a Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross

Listen to the bible study, a Closer Look at the Finality of the Cross. Follow along with Bob George as he teaches what the finality of the cross really means for us today. Gain a better understanding of how the Cross is the dividing line of human history.

Jesus Christ Has Risen! Truly, He Is Risen!

Jesus Has Risen! Indeed He Is Risen!Posted by Bob George: via Admin

The Empty Tomb – Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. So she came running to Simon Peter … Continue reading and listen to message →

Listen to a Closer Look at: Law & Grace, Faith, Hope, and Love, and
The Reality of the Resurrection.

Jesus Changes EverythingJesus Changes Everything

It’s Time to Embrace God’s Unconditional Love

Grace changes everything because of one often-ignored foundation of the faith—the New Covenant.

Many Christians feel anything but new. They are told salvation is a free gift, but trying to live up to what they think God demands seems like anything but a gift. Feel free? They don’t. I explain how this results from basing Christianity in the Old Testament—making the faith a law-based religion.

But the New Covenant God has put in place, through Christ’s death, changes everything. Readers will see the joyful truth that:

  • effort, guilt, and fear from living under law give way to rest and peace from realizing their relationship with God doesn’t
    depend on their performance
  • motivation by punishment is replaced by inner motivation through God’s complete acceptance
  • the experience of distance from God gives way to the experience of His unconditional love.

Purchase the book: Jesus Changes Everything: It’s Time to Embrace God’s Unconditional Love

Classic ChristianityThe story of Classic Christianity is truly miraculous. Since its initial release in 1989, I have seen God use this book in ways I could never have planned, dreamed, or even remotely imagined.

My desire was that God would use it to call people back to “Classic Christianity”. Over these past 20 years, Classic Christianity, has found its way into the hands of world leaders, Christian missionaries, churches, pastors, and ministry leaders. Copies are circulating behind prison walls, are being passed around entire congregations, and are finding their way to individuals who are burned out and bogged down by religion.

I believe God is calling people back to the simplicity of the gospel…back to His grace, mercy, and truth…back to the person of Jesus Christ. Respond to His call, and experience the freedom that is yours in Him.

Read some of the life changing comments from readers of the book, Classic Christianity.

Purchase: Classic Christianity: Life’s Too Short to Miss the Real Thing

Welcome Message

Books by Bob George

Links to more teaching publications for sale, Bible studies, and in-depth MP3 Classic Christianity teaching series for download.

Jesus Changes Everything

It’s Time to Embrace God’s Unconditional Love

Bob George

Jesus Changes EverythingBob George, bestselling author of Classic Christianity, shows readers how grace changes everything because of one often-ignored foundation of the faith—the New Covenant.

Many Christians feel anything but new. They are told salvation is a free gift, but trying to live up to what they think God demands seems like anything but a gift. Feel free? They don’t. Bob explains how this results from basing Christianity in the Old Testament—making the faith a law-based religion.

But the New Covenant, God has put in place through Christ’s death, changes everything. Readers will see the joyful truth that,

  • effort, guilt, and fear from living under law give way to rest and peace from realizing their relationship with God doesn’t depend on their performance;
  • motivation by punishment is replaced by inner motivation through God’s complete acceptance;
  • and the experience of distance from God gives way to the experience of His unconditional love.

Purchase: Jesus Changes Everything: It’s Time to Embrace God’s Unconditional Love

Classic Christianity

Life’s Too Short to Miss the Real Thing

Bob George

Classic ChristianityThe breakthrough book that has helped over half a million Christians worldwide since 1989!

Classic Christianity—Bob George’s eye-opening distillation of the life-transforming truths of the gospel—now has a fresh cover and interior that reflect the up-to-the-minute relevance of its message.

Like so many Christians, Bob George started out in love with Jesus, only to end up feeling disappointed and empty. Drawing on his struggles and his teaching and counseling experience, Bob cuts to the heart of believers’ common questions…

  • Doesn’t God expect me to clean up my act before I approach Him?
  • I know God loves me—but does He accept me?
  • I’m saved and forgiven… do I just wait for heaven now?

In Classic Christianity, believers will see the way back to the life Jesus provided—a life set free from the law’s bondage, lived in the newness of the Spirit, and secure in the Father’s affection. Find out more at

Purchase: Classic Christianity: Life’s Too Short to Miss the Real Thing

Classic Christianity Study Guide

Life’s Too Short to Miss the Real Thing

Bob George

Classic Christianity Study GuideMore than half a million tired, frustrated Christians have rediscovered the life-transforming truths of the gospel in Classic Christianity. In this practical study guide to the book, they’ll find more step-by-step help for becoming grounded in the Father’s liberating love.

After briefly reviewing a section of Classic Christianity, author and Bible teacher Bob George provides Scriptures, questions, and insightful examples to help readers fully understand and grow in their identities in Christ. Used with the book or as a stand-alone study, this resource encourages believers and seekers to discover the true Source of life and freedom—Jesus Christ.

Fill-in space is provided for readers to use as they work through this volume. Together with Classic Christianity, this study guide provides a great curriculum for small groups or Sunday-school classes. Find out more at

Purchase: Classic Christianity Study Guide: Life’s Too Short to Miss the Real Thing

Growing in Grace with Study Guide

Bob George

Growing In GraceIf your only experience of God’s grace is salvation, you’re missing half the good news. The other half is equally inspiring—Jesus wants you to experience His grace every day as He lives his life through you!

Discover vibrant, life-embracing faith through the simple and timeless truth of God’s grace. As people who have been saved by grace and set free by grace, our next step is to grow in grace. As we grow, we rejoice in the scriptural promises that enable us to give up guilt and anxiety, let go of legalism, and rediscover the joyous reality of Christ living His life through us!

The helpful study guide is perfect for small groups and all who desire to learn even more about the freeing life that is ours as followers of Jesus Christ.

Purchase: Growing in Grace : With Study Guide

Victory over Depression

Bob George

Victory Over DepressionA new cover and study section invites readers to experience victory over anger, disappointment, and depression! Bob reveals how Christ can break the power of unmet needs, unhealed hurts, and hopelessness in our lives.
Readers explore principles that help them:

  • Recognize unrealistic expectations.
  • Deal with the causes of depression.
  • Put their hope and trust in God.

Victory over Depression encourages readers by sharing examples of people who have been set free through the infinite love of God. Excellent for individual or group study.

Purchase: Victory Over Depression: How to live above your circumstances

Complete in Christ

Bob George

Complete in ChristWhy do so many people experience disappointment and failure in their lives? Why do so many men and women struggle with a sense of low self-esteem? Could it be they’re unsure of how to obtain true fulfillment in life?

God never meant to offer us a self-improvement course. Instead, He offers us an entirely new identity. Not only will He forgive your sins, but He will give you a new life in exchange for the life you have been trying to live in your own strength.

In Complete in Christ, Bob George, author of the bestseller Classic Christianity, explores this exchanged life and provides clear meaning for often-misunderstood truths—fundamental truths that ensure abundant, fulfilled living.

Begin to focus not on your own failures and inadequacies but on His view of you—that you are fully loved and accepted in Christ. Receive God’s invitation to exchange your old identity for the joy of being Complete in Christ!

Purchase: Complete in Christ: Discovering God’s View of You

Faith That Pleases God

Bob George

Faith That Pleases GodYou Don’t Need to Strive for What You Already Have

You began your new life in Christ with joy and peace. Then your attempts to please God and grow as a Christian brought bewilderment, frustration, and defeat. You know there’s a better way, but where can you find it? In Faith That Pleases God, Bob George offers a practical look at true, biblical faith — the kind of faith that produces the joy God offers to every believer. It’s all here — in Faith That Pleases God.

From the author of Classic Christianity, comes a dynamic book to help readers strengthen their faith.

Every Christian desires to please God, but how is that done? Faith That Pleases God helps readers discover that a proper understanding of faith is essential and includes—

  • recognizing the differences between faith, belief, and trust
  • seeing the kind of faith that pleases God
  • realizing faith’s role in the work God is doing
  • learning how to “rest in faith”

By understanding faith, readers will know what pleases God. This, in turn, results in a more serene Christian life that draws upon God’s wisdom and power for every need.

Purchase: Faith That Pleases God: You Don’t Need to Strive for What You Already Have

Click for more teaching publications for sale, Bible studies, and in-depth MP3 Classic Christianity teaching series for download.

Thank You For Contact Us

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the contact form.

Bob and Amy appreciate hearing from you.

Rest assured, your privacy is respected and information you have provided is only used in conjunction with Bob George Ministries and is not shared.

Jesus Changes Everything

It’s Time to Embrace God’s Unconditional Love

Bob George

Jesus Changes EverythingBob George, bestselling author of Classic Christianity, shows readers how grace changes everything because of one often-ignored foundation of the faith—the New Covenant.

Many Christians feel anything but new. They are told salvation is a free gift, but trying to live up to what they think God demands seems like anything but a gift. Feel free? They don’t. Bob explains how this results from basing Christianity in the Old Testament—making the faith a law-based religion.

But the New Covenant, God has put in place through Christ’s death, changes everything. Readers will see the joyful truth that,

  • effort, guilt, and fear from living under law give way to rest and peace from realizing their relationship with God doesn’t depend on their performance;
  • motivation by punishment is replaced by inner motivation through God’s complete acceptance;
  • and the experience of distance from God gives way to the experience of His unconditional love.

Purchase: Jesus Changes Everything: It’s Time to Embrace God’s Unconditional Love

Classic Christianity

Life’s Too Short to Miss the Real Thing

Bob George

Classic ChristianityThe breakthrough book that has helped over half a million Christians worldwide since 1989!

Classic Christianity—Bob George’s eye-opening distillation of the life-transforming truths of the gospel—now has a fresh cover and interior that reflect the up-to-the-minute relevance of its message.

Like so many Christians, Bob George started out in love with Jesus, only to end up feeling disappointed and empty. Drawing on his struggles and his teaching and counseling experience, Bob cuts to the heart of believers’ common questions…

  • Doesn’t God expect me to clean up my act before I approach Him?
  • I know God loves me—but does He accept me?
  • I’m saved and forgiven… do I just wait for heaven now?

In Classic Christianity, believers will see the way back to the life Jesus provided—a life set free from the law’s bondage, lived in the newness of the Spirit, and secure in the Father’s affection. Find out more at

Purchase: Classic Christianity: Life’s Too Short to Miss the Real Thing

Classic Christianity Study Guide

Life’s Too Short to Miss the Real Thing

Bob George

Classic Christianity Study GuideMore than half a million tired, frustrated Christians have rediscovered the life-transforming truths of the gospel in Classic Christianity. In this practical study guide to the book, they’ll find more step-by-step help for becoming grounded in the Father’s liberating love.

After briefly reviewing a section of Classic Christianity, author and Bible teacher Bob George provides Scriptures, questions, and insightful examples to help readers fully understand and grow in their identities in Christ. Used with the book or as a stand-alone study, this resource encourages believers and seekers to discover the true Source of life and freedom—Jesus Christ.

Fill-in space is provided for readers to use as they work through this volume. Together with Classic Christianity, this study guide provides a great curriculum for small groups or Sunday-school classes. Find out more at

Purchase: Classic Christianity Study Guide: Life’s Too Short to Miss the Real Thing

Growing in Grace with Study Guide

Bob George

Growing In GraceIf your only experience of God’s grace is salvation, you’re missing half the good news. The other half is equally inspiring—Jesus wants you to experience His grace every day as He lives his life through you!

Discover vibrant, life-embracing faith through the simple and timeless truth of God’s grace. As people who have been saved by grace and set free by grace, our next step is to grow in grace. As we grow, we rejoice in the scriptural promises that enable us to give up guilt and anxiety, let go of legalism, and rediscover the joyous reality of Christ living His life through us!

The helpful study guide is perfect for small groups and all who desire to learn even more about the freeing life that is ours as followers of Jesus Christ.

Purchase: Growing in Grace : With Study Guide

Victory over Depression

Bob George

Victory Over DepressionA new cover and study section invites readers to experience victory over anger, disappointment, and depression! Bob reveals how Christ can break the power of unmet needs, unhealed hurts, and hopelessness in our lives.
Readers explore principles that help them:

  • Recognize unrealistic expectations.
  • Deal with the causes of depression.
  • Put their hope and trust in God.

Victory over Depression encourages readers by sharing examples of people who have been set free through the infinite love of God. Excellent for individual or group study.

Purchase: Victory Over Depression: How to live above your circumstances

Complete in Christ

Bob George

Complete in ChristWhy do so many people experience disappointment and failure in their lives? Why do so many men and women struggle with a sense of low self-esteem? Could it be they’re unsure of how to obtain true fulfillment in life?

God never meant to offer us a self-improvement course. Instead, He offers us an entirely new identity. Not only will He forgive your sins, but He will give you a new life in exchange for the life you have been trying to live in your own strength.

In Complete in Christ, Bob George, author of the bestseller Classic Christianity, explores this exchanged life and provides clear meaning for often-misunderstood truths—fundamental truths that ensure abundant, fulfilled living.

Begin to focus not on your own failures and inadequacies but on His view of you—that you are fully loved and accepted in Christ. Receive God’s invitation to exchange your old identity for the joy of being Complete in Christ!

Purchase: Complete in Christ: Discovering God’s View of You

Faith That Pleases God

Bob George

Faith That Pleases GodYou Don’t Need to Strive for What You Already Have

You began your new life in Christ with joy and peace. Then your attempts to please God and grow as a Christian brought bewilderment, frustration, and defeat. You know there’s a better way, but where can you find it? In Faith That Pleases God, Bob George offers a practical look at true, biblical faith — the kind of faith that produces the joy God offers to every believer. It’s all here — in Faith That Pleases God.

From the author of Classic Christianity, comes a dynamic book to help readers strengthen their faith.

Every Christian desires to please God, but how is that done? Faith That Pleases God helps readers discover that a proper understanding of faith is essential and includes—

  • recognizing the differences between faith, belief, and trust
  • seeing the kind of faith that pleases God
  • realizing faith’s role in the work God is doing
  • learning how to “rest in faith”

By understanding faith, readers will know what pleases God. This, in turn, results in a more serene Christian life that draws upon God’s wisdom and power for every need.

Purchase: Faith That Pleases God: You Don’t Need to Strive for What You Already Have

Classic Christianity Radio With Bob George on Dallas Christian Radio KAAM 770-AM

Dallas Christian Radio KAAM 770-AM Announcement

Dallas Christian Radio KAAM Daytime Coverage

Dallas Christian Radio KAAM 770-AM

Bob George Ministries is excited to announce the expansion of Classic Christianity Radio to the Dallas area! Beginning June 5, 2017, listen weekday mornings at 10:30 AM on KAAM 770-AM. We would like to extend a special thanks to Crawford Broadcasting for giving us this wonderful opportunity! Please pray along with us as we ask the Lord to bless this program and bring many people to Christ through the radio broadcasts.

Your generous gifts have allowed us to add this Dallas station. Thank you so much for your faithful support! It is because of your generosity, we are able to add another radio station in order to share the hope that we have in Jesus Christ with the people of Dallas and the cities that surround the Metroplex.

“I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High.” Psalm 7:17

In His Grace,

Bob and Amy George, Debbie George Cannaday and Jim Warholic

  • KAAM 770 AM – Dallas – – Classic Christianity Radio @ 10:30 AM – CT Weekdays
  • KLTT 670 AM – Denver – – Classic Christianity Radio @ 11:00 AM – MT Weekdays
  • KCBC 770 AM – Northern California – – Classic Christianity Radio @ 1:30 PM – PT Weekdays

Tax-Deductible Donations by Check or Online

  • By Check send to: Bob George Ministries, 3411 Preston RD, Suite C-13166, Frisco, TX 75034
  • Online Donations go to: via (one time gift or regular giving) through checking or savings account withdraws, credit cards or PayPal.

Read this official announcement in our newsletter PDF document format with the following link: Feel free to print it out, email it and pass it on to your family and friends.

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Your personally identifiable information is kept secure. Only authorized employees, agents and contractors (who have agreed to keep information secure and confidential) have access to this information. You may at any time opt out of any future emails or information newsletters from Bob George Ministries.

We reserve the right to make changes to this policy. Any changes to this policy will be posted.

Radio With Bob George and People to People

Archive of People to People Radio Broadcasts

Check out the very best of Bob’s years on radio in the timeless People to People archive collection. Rich in humor, compassion and uncompromised Biblical truths, these classic broadcasts communicate the love and grace of God and will be a blessing in your life.

Current Classic Christianity Radio Broadcasts

Radio Announcements:


Dallas Christian Radio KAAM 770-AM Announcement

Dallas Christian Radio KAAM 770-AM

Bob George Ministries is excited to announce the expansion of Classic Christianity Radio to the Dallas area! Listen weekday mornings at 10:30 AM – CT on KAAM 770-AM. We would like to extend a special thanks to Crawford Broadcasting for giving us this wonderful opportunity! Please pray along with us as we ask the Lord to bless this program and bring many people to Christ through the radio broadcasts.

Radio Announcement for Colorado Area:

  • Bob George Ministries Presents
  • Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George
  • Listen on KLTT 670AM Radio: Denver, Colorado
  • Weekdays at 11:00 AM Mountain Time

Coverage – KLTT 670 AM, Denver, is a 50,000-watt radio station with one of the largest coverage areas (32,000 square miles) of any station in the nation! KLTT reaches a five state region, including most of Colorado, and well over 5-million people.


​We at Bob George Ministries are so thankful to God for each of you for your prayers and support of the ministry. Because of your prayers and support it has made this possible to be on the radio air waves in Colorado. We look forward to being able to be on more radio stations in the future.

Join Bob George Ministries and listen in:

  • Listen online with your computer at: – Weekdays at 11:00 AM Mountain Time

Other ways to listen:

Download the free “TuneIn Radio” app for your smart phone, Android phone, iPhone, iPad and tablets. Download TuneIn Radio and add KLTT Radio to your list of favorites.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20,21

Grace and peace be with you in Jesus,

Bob and Amy George, Debbie George Cannaday and Jim Warholic

Bob George Ministries
3411 Preston Road, Suite C13166
Frisco, Texas 75034

Websites: and

Purchase teaching materials at:
Purchase MP3 audio files at:

Goodbye Is Not Forever by Amy George

Bob George Radio MinistryAfter several years in full-time ministry, Bob George made a disturbing discovery. Too many Christians were experiencing depression and other emotional problems. Too many were living without joy.

To meet their needs, Bob created a seminar called How to Experience Victory over Depression. It was profoundly biblical. And it gave attendees an overwhelming sense of God’s love and grace.

It soon became apparent that George’s down to earth style, his transparency, and his application-oriented teaching made for more than a great seminar. It made great radio. And on June 3, 1985, People to People went live.

For over 30 years Bob answered questions from callers across the United States and Canada giving Biblical council to those worn out and broken by religion, hope to those in desperate times and joy to those looking for God’s unconditional love. Sidelined by health issues in 2009, Bob no longer is able to do People to People radio, but the legacy of his many years of ministry carries on, ministering in the hearts of thousands of individuals who have responded to Bob’s Classic Christianity teaching and continue to respond today to his teaching via the radio airwaves and the Internet through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Compiled here are the very best of Bob’s years on radio in this archive collection. Rich in humor, compassion, and uncompromised Biblical truths, these classic broadcasts communicate the love and grace of God and will be a blessing in your life.

Select the radio year or listen to some by subject matter.

We invite you to become a part of Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George today.


Your Identity in Christ

In Search of an Identity

The issue of identity is inescapable and central to our lives. “Who am I?” we all ask. “Where did I come from? Where am I going?” Every person wrestles with these questions, and the answers we adopt determine the direction of our lives.

Today, this search for identity falls under the concept of self-image. Every person has some image of himself. It could be a healthy, positive image, or it could be a poor, negative one. Regardless, a person’s self-image determines his self-worth in this life, whether he is a success or a failure. Self-image is what affects, for better or worse, a person’s attitude and behavior toward others and life’s circumstances. With all that is at stake, it is easy to see why people are in search of a good self-image.

However, there is much debate concerning how to develop a good self-image. Many psychologists, counselors, and even some church leaders believe that to develop a good self-image a person needs to start loving himself more. As we will see, this philosophy is contrary to the teaching of the Word of God. Paul writes in 2 Timothy 3:2 that in the last days men will be lovers of themselves. According to this verse, our problem is that we love ourselves too much. So it would appear we could not develop is a realistic view of ourselves, what I like to call a proper self-image. We need to learn who we are from God’s perspective.

With that in mind, let us take a closer look at our identity in Christ.

Purchase MP3 Audio Files
Click the SHOW PLAYLIST button on the audio player to expand the playlist if you wish to quickly navigate by scrolling to a particular lesson from where you last left off on your studies and/or listen to all 40 lessons on a Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ. Click the lesson number to play that particular audio teaching track.


Thanks for replaying your radio show. I've only had about 5 years of listening before you went off the air. I'm learning so much from the show now. I missed all those years, but am catching up now. You're my digital pastor and I thank God for using you to get to me. Hope you're enjoying retirement, because of all your work in the Lord. I'm a witness that truth will set you free. I'm free of depression and have learned so much from you Bob. I love you forever for letting God use you and so grateful that I am able to hear you then and now. Hope all is well and thanks again.

Antoine Andrews    Carson, CA   

No one puts Jesus Christ first like you do. Your focus on Christ is the truth that set me free. Thank you for making Bob's audios available. I truly hope ALL his work will be made ready for purchase. Thanks again, Holly.

Holly Riley    San Dimas California   


I have said this before, but God has used you both in my life and my husband's life.
When I was a little child I would read the Bible and spend time with God.
As I got older, I started hearing things contrary to what Jesus had been telling me in His Word - law and grace wise.
I thought, well, since they are older and I'm a child, I must be wrong and not understanding what I have been reading!

Then in 1992 me and my husband found People to People on the radio. When I first heard Bob/People to People, in my heart I knew it was truth, because all the things Jesus had told me as a child in His Word all lined up with what I was hearing on the radio! I also always appreciated how Bob would say - "Don't believe anything I say, I could be lying out my teeth - check out what I'm saying with the Word of God!"

Bob and Amy, you both will always have a special place in my heart. I thank my God upon remembrance of you and thank you for making yourselves available for God to use and to point others to Him... Like Bob said he heard Amy say on the phone one day - "we are just sheep dogs herding people to the Shepherd"!

Love, Joy/Lee

Joy/Lee    Orlando, Florida   

Thank you for "Jesus Changes Everything."

Doug and I are switching back and forth reading this book and enjoying it as we have all of your books. We own and have read every book, CD series and many, many tapes from before CDs that you wrote or put out and we can honestly say if it had not been for your teaching, we would probably still be wondering in the desert.

Thank for all your years of true ministry to the Body of Christ and thanks again for another wonderful book teaching the truths that the Church needs to hear.

May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ keep you with us for many more years of great ministry to all of us.

Lucy Fletcher    SanDiego, CA   

Hello Bob and Amy,

Bob, your teachings (never wavering from the truth of it being all Jesus, the New Covenant, and complete forgiveness in Him) were instrumental in my Christian walk through all of these years to focus on Jesus. I have all of your books, bible studies (A Closer Look... series), and have listened to the radio broadcasts and Sunday sermons extensively. I spent hours listening and re-listening in the car to all of these tapes and learning through the Holy Spirit's guidance what life in Christ was really about. Your voice has keep me company on many of those long commutes and trips back and forth around the Bay Area.

Also, I wanted to point out that Amy's book "Goodbye Is Not Forever" was such a story of hope to me. It was very special not just for the story, but for bringing into account what was going on in Russia and the surrounding area at that time of history. My grandparents from both sides of the family emigrated to the USA from the Ukraine in the latter part of the 19'th century because they could see the writing on the wall.

Thank you once again for allowing God to use you both over the years, to teach God's truth, in such a way that a child could understand it. I have been blessed and I know so many others have been blessed by you. You have always pointed to Jesus as the answer.

Jim W.    San Ramon, CA    Website   

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Contact Bob George Ministries

We would like to thank you for your love and continued support to the ministry. We look forward to joining with you in the continuance of spreading the message of Grace. We are excited about our Internet websites and the new Classic Christianity Radio ministry and watching how the Lord opens doors to reaching others. You can also listen to Bob George daily online at our daily radio postings page. We look forward to hearing from you. Please note that Bob George went to be with the Lord on JUNE 1, 2018. The message of God’s grace, the New Covenant and completed forgiveness on the cross is still being presented on radio stations and online, and Bob George Ministries appreciates your support. Thank you.

Please Use the Contact Form Below. Thank You.

Bob George Ministries

Tax deductible donations by check,
payable to Bob George Ministries may be sent to:

Bob George Ministries
5729 Lebanon RD, STE 144247
Frisco, Texas 75034

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Contact Form Information
Please Note the Following

Dear Friends and Visitors,

If you would like to send a message to Amy, or email the ministry if you have any additional questions and comments, please use the contact form-mail above. Your message will be delivered to Amy, and she does certainly enjoy hearing from friends and listeners. Note that there is a limited staff of family and friends that are helping out with the online outreach ministry via the and websites.

Please note the live call in radio program is not active as in on-the-air radio broadcasts of the old People to People Ministries, but we are doing archived radio shows and sermons of Bob’s. It was Bob’s wishes to make the timeless messages of Jesus, the New Covenant, Grace and other audio teaching messages available for the world to hear, along with making available to also purchase all of Bob’s books and audio teaching materials via the web. The ministry’s intention is to continue developing these websites (visit the Bob George Ministries Store for publication sales that may not be available on Amazon, and MP3 Closer Look Bible Studies & other MP3 studies sales) to be able to sell directly to folks from all over the world (Bob George Ministries eCommerce website now supports international orders) and receive direct online donations for the ministry too.

In addition to our Internet outreach program, Bob George Ministries is also reaching out on the radio airwaves. If God is placing on your heart to help get Classic Christianity Radio to be available on more radio stations around the country and to help with the continued expansion of the Internet ministry, please support Bob George Ministries in both your prayers and tax deductible donations. We very much appreciate that.

When you sign up with the form-mail, we will keep you informed to the latest happenings, information on giving donations and us receiving support donations directly for Bob George Ministries, and being able to make purchases of these vast teaching resources of books, teaching materials and mp3 audio downloads through iTunes and Google Play Store via the web for your iPhone, Android phone, iPad, Android tablets and other electronic devices.

Rest assured, your privacy is respected and information you provide is only used in conjunction with Bob George Ministries. For more details please read our Privacy Policy.

In Christ Jesus,

With sincere thanks from: Webmaster, Family and Friends

PS – Feel free to post your testimonial online too. Follow the testimonials link to post on the Testimonials page. We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact Bob GeorgeDear Friends,

My father went to be with the Lord June 1, 2018. Our family misses him but we know that we will see him again. Please keep our family in your prayers. Dad loved Jesus and was one of the first people to ever teach the message of grace. Dad had a heart for people who struggled and needed to know that there is hope in Jesus. He helped so many people to have a deeper understanding of God’s unconditional love and complete acceptance..
– Debbie George Cannaday

Celebrating the life of Robert Franklyn George, leave a kind word or memory.
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